by janbetts | Dec 21, 2011
Morph #3. Colors deepening, brightening….more spheres….and then, quite by surprise….ta da!!!”They” came in….mmmmmm….and i got such a rush of Love and playfullness as they began appearing in the bubble orbs….and...
by janbetts | Dec 12, 2011
Morph 1. I began this painting over a month ago ( oct 2011 )…and it has been waiting for me to return to find its Gift. I don’t know what will morph into being next…it is a mystery. Here it is now….:Morph 2 ( close-up ) Morph 2. So today i go...
by janbetts | Nov 12, 2011
Ok…here it is finished. “Zen Carnival” I don’t want to say too much here. I will leave this painting’s meaning to each viewer’s imagination…so I want to keep it pure… I had no idea where to begin, i had no ideas, no...
by janbetts | Oct 29, 2011
5. So, now the star in the center is changing into some sort of vortex….kind of an implosion…. interesting….on it goes….i know not where….but am enjoying the ride…. ( below is a close up….)...
by janbetts | Oct 26, 2011
4. Here the painting is as of now, as it develops, colors flow in. I must say that i don’t know where this is going, but i have said that before. This way of creating art is more spontaneous and totally new to me…a break from my usual very finished more...
by janbetts | Oct 19, 2011
1. OK…Here is the first installment of what happens to the white emptiness…i just started flinging paint, lots of movement…and no thought …felt like dancing…and it had a power to it, very free and unrestricted…. ...
by janbetts | Oct 11, 2011
It has been over a month since i published my finished “Fertilization”. That painting took a further depth when my friend Karima used it extensively in the stunning videos of the final chapters of her Epic multimedia/multi-dimensional adventure: “The...
by janbetts | Sep 14, 2011
So here it is, finished at last.( touch curser to image to enlarge ) And i think it is interesting to consider the word >fertilization, and why it was chosen for the title. The word can be used to discribe the fertilization as in an egg by sperm in mating of a...
by janbetts | Sep 2, 2011
I have not had words or visions ready to post for some weeks. Now i do. First of all i want to say that this blog has brought to me some amazing comments that have been brilliant for me to read!! And support from authentic people of the Path, whom i deeply respect is...
by janbetts | Aug 3, 2011
Well…it is interesting to have a blog. Now i find myself deciding what i want to share next. So i decided to post the developing of another orchid face morphing within a globe, that i am working on right now. I started with another old painting…one i did...