painting morphing

painting morphing

Well…it is interesting to have a blog. Now i find myself deciding what i want to share next. So i decided to post the developing of another orchid face morphing within a globe, that i am working on right now. I started with another old painting…one i did...

link to article

Here is a link to an article written about me, and my arrival to Costa Rica back in the 70’s when it was as yet un tarnished by the infiltration of foreigners ….published in an online magazine. My life in Costa Rica has been an elaborate, fascinating and ...


This painting is difficult to find words for…i will try. ( I notice the re appearance of tears, and of the orb….and idealistic intentions. Much has changed in my own perceptions about it all…since creating these paintings .) ( click image to enlarge...
Angelic Integration

Angelic Integration

This is one of the paintings displayed in the Retrospective Gallery in my main website. The meaning of it may not be clear to most observers, so I thought I would write a bit about it…and what it means to me. Like many of the visions that come into my art, this one...
Alien Chrysalis

Alien Chrysalis

Well….there was not much more to do but refine the vision and fine tune the painting. The orchid turned into a being from another realm….and entertained me in the process....