Alien Chrysalis

Well….there was not much more to do but refine the vision and fine tune the painting. The orchid turned into a being from another realm….and entertained me in the process.

About janbetts

I am an artist who has been living in Costa Rica for over 30 years. My lifestyle is relatively reclusive, and so now i am creating a blog to exchange ideas. I am new at this, but soon i hope to master this blog thing so that i can include photos and to write about new paintings i am working on, or have recently finished....or that are in my website.
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2 Responses to Alien Chrysalis

  1. Karima says:

    Absolutely gorgeous Jan..One can only ponder what the world was like that it came from, hinted at so hauntingly by the “woods” it is leaving behind..and then where too is it going, this alien chrysalis, and how might it affect all who it meets in its’ gliding path?…

    • jan says:

      Aha! Already one wonders about the story of this alien being…and of course you would…because Karima finds wonder filled stories everywhere she looks!!!!! I wonder too…this being came alive so spontaneously. It was your recent Colored Dream Series that made me see and sensually feel the potential in such Orb contained Beings who are not of this world…( Colored Dream Series, Part 2, Diary entry 3 ) and , WoW! I was deeply moved by that story!!! Imagination with heart can be so much fun…it inspires!!

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