
This painting was painted many years ago….but the image is one that to me stands on it’s own merit, in representing the state of mind where we finally give up “arms”, and multi-faceted inner resistance….and truly surrender to the most natural of unfold-ments. The ego ( the mask, false identity ), who  runs our life from the dark labyrinths of the unconscious, is thus rendered powerless, layer by layer, by the Light of Truth that is now invited and allowed.



About janbetts

I am an artist who has been living in Costa Rica for over 30 years. My lifestyle is relatively reclusive, and so now i am creating a blog to exchange ideas. I am new at this, but soon i hope to master this blog thing so that i can include photos and to write about new paintings i am working on, or have recently finished....or that are in my website.
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8 Responses to Disarmament

  1. best.email.everrr! i am hoping that everything works out. this made me even more confused about what to do this summer!

  2. Karima says:

    Powerful message and very beautiful to look at too Jan. The light seen here is as piercing as a laser and could cut through anything. Sometimes our masks fall off when we least expect it, but how quickly we scramble to find them, and put them back on. When we choose to go beyond them, we have undertaken a very courageous odyssey indeed. Your art is so expressive of you!!

  3. Vivian says:

    Love seeing your art with your personal revelations as they are related to the art piece (“peace”) attached. Very thought-provoking! xoxo~V.

  4. Rikki says:

    Good piece of writing, I seriously watch for posts by you.

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